Taehwa Food Inc. dates back to 1945, when food was scarce. Sun-Kwang JUNG, the founder, started the company with the goal of providing nourishing food to as many people as possible and has ever since made soybean paste, soy sauce, red pepper paste (Gochujang), and seasoned soybean paste (Ssamjang).
In line with the goal, we have used the choicest ingredients and have ceaselessly innovated product quality and improved flavors. As a result, we are loved by our customers.
Fermented paste does not get much attention at the table, but it is an indispensable part of our diet that enhances the depth and value of flavor. We will make quality products by studying how to make tastier, cleaner, and healthier sauces while maintaining the best of the tradition. This attitude is the value Taewha Food Inc. has kept over the past 70 years and will keep in the years ahead.
We will do our very best to help our staff and their families and our customers enjoy healthy food culture. And we will also commit ourselves to enhancing the status of traditional flavors and advancing the food culture, while making the best products by ceaselessly improving quality and hygiene and performing efficacy research.
Thank you.
CEO Young-Jin JUNG